Friday, January 16, 2009

Jan 20 - March 10 2009 - Playwriting II: The Playwright's Vision

Playwriting II: The Playwright's Vision

Elizabeth Heffron

The playwright's vision gives drive and shape to his or her art. This course will explore various theatrical styles - Comedy, Absurdism, Realism, Docudrama and Personal Narrative - that can serve the needs of that vision, and provide you with a broader pallette from which to tell your story. Using both on-the-page and on-your-feet exercises, students will work towards completing two, wildly different one-act plays. Prerequisite: Playwriting I or instructor permission.

January 20 - March 10
Tuesdays, 6:30 - 9:30 pm
$285 Tier I
$305 Tier II
Tier level based on household income.
For more information or to register, go to or call us at (206) 323-7499.

Elizabeth Heffron plays include MITZI'S ABORTION, which won the 2005 ACT Theatre New Play Award and was produced by ACT in July, 2006, and NEW PATAGONIA, produced by the Seattle Repertory Theatre. Her other plays and solo performance pieces include AN ALTERED LIFE, THE MAIN ROOM, BABIES, BROADS, AND BREAD, MOSES LAKE and MORPHOMETRICS, and have been staged in Seattle, Vancouver BC, San Francisco, St. Louis, and New York.

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