Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept 18 2008 - The Writer's Sherpa Presents a Free Call for Aspiring Authors

Writers struggling to write a book and get published can make big improvements to their writing life with the strategies revealed in this upcoming free teleseminar from The Writer's Sherpa.

On Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. EST, freelance writer and book editor, Melinda Copp, will present tips to build better writing habits, simplify the publishing process, and create the "dream" writer's life.

"I struggled with my own writing career for a long time," said Copp, founder of The Writer's Sherpa. "I finally realized that my biggest problem was not having a clear vision of my goals. Once I figured that out, everything started to fall into place."

Whether writing to promote a business or to share a personal story, this free teleseminar can help writers develop a regular writing schedule, focus their talents so they achieve more, and overcome obstacles to writing and publishing successfully.

"This is a great opportunity for new writers-and people who don't consider themselves 'real' writers-who want to make writing and publishing a part of their life," said Copp. "We'll talk about goal setting, how to stay motivated, and how to improve-regardless of your skill level and experience."

The Writer's Sherpa provides editorial consulting services for authors and businesses, and publishes a weekly e-zine, The WRITE Path. The founder and teleseminar presenter, Melinda Copp, is a freelance writer and book editor who specializes in helping aspiring authors achieve their writing and publishing goals.

For more information and to sign up for this free call, go to Participants will also receive a downloadable audio recording of the call.

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