Sunday, May 18, 2008

June 3-10 2008 - From Arts to Advertising - New York

Celebrating the Big Apple's thriving digital media industry and community, an unprecedented coalition of business, entertainment, government, and arts leaders today unveiled a schedule of more than 50 events that will bring the Internet to life on the city's streets this June 3 - 10.

From powerhouses like Time Warner, Google, Nokia, The Webby Awards, Billboard, and Advertising Age to new generation stars like Mashable, Thrillist, Diggnation,, Make Magazine, Channel Frederator, and the Huffington Post/IAC venture, the weeklong festival will showcase industry panels and conferences, mixers, teetups, exhibits, screenings, live performances, parties, and even sporting events.

Kicking off on June 3rd with an official proclamation from Mayor Bloomberg, the weeklong festival will culminate with the 12th Annual Webby Awards hosted by Saturday Night Live's Seth Meyers on June 10th.

In between, New Yorkers can take their pick of activities including debating the future of online media with Time Warner, checking out home-made robotics at the Saatchi Gallery, taking in a live performance of comedy juggernaut, attending a screening of Internet video hits at The IFC Center, or participating in the world's first and largest Wii tennis tournament.

A full schedule of events can be found at:

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