Friday, February 22, 2008

April 2, 2008 - Non-fiction and Creative Writing Courses

UC Davis Extension offers a number of courses for beginning to advanced writers in a variety of genres including non-fiction and creative writing. Learn more about Extension's writing coursework and get answers to frequently asked questions at the free information session on Wednesday, April 2, 6-7 p.m. The following courses will take place April-June 2008 at the Sutter Square Galleria in Sacramento.

Through readings, exercises and assignments, familiar ideas, desires and identities will be challenged in the online course Form and Imagination, inspiring writers to move their writing out of a familiar frame and onto "the edge"-the best place for any writer to be. Possibilities of being will be explored, with time spent with unusual characters, unreliable narrators and neurotic protagonists, who students will emulate, but move beyond. The idea of form over content, of imagination and emotional truth over "fact" will be considered. Taught by Nancy Resler, this distance learning course is scheduled for April 7-June 2.

Grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph construction and English usage will be highlighted as students focus on skills needed for non-fiction writing in the course Enhancing Writing Skills for Non-Fiction Writers. Practice exercises are designed to give greater confidence in participants' writing ability. Discussions will cover the elements of structure, style and tone, narrative vs. expository writing, and the different kinds of writing, such as reviews, features, how-to's, memoirs and more. Learn to distinguish between good and bad writing, and learn how to produce marketable pieces suitable for publication. Taught by Elisabeth Sherwin, the course in scheduled for Mondays, April 7-June 2, 6:30-9 p.m.

Essential information is provided to help turn the dream of getting published into reality in the course Getting Published: The Business of Non-Fiction Writing. Learn to prepare materials such as query letters, cover letters and proposals that lead to professional writing assignments. Exercises and discussions will cover contracts, taxes and working with editors and agents. Taught by Robert Clark Young, the course is scheduled for Tuesdays, April 8-May 27, 6:30-9 p.m.

Elements of writing craft will be presented in the new course Advanced Fiction: Writer's Craft Workshop. Participants will hone writing skills through an exploration of point-of-view, sense of place, crafting a scene, techniques of dramatization and narration, character and dialogue. Discussions will include the subject of personal style and personal application of these techniques to participants' particular manuscripts. Writing exercises and published examples will supplement weekly writing assignments and workshop sessions. Participants will learn to critically read the writing of others and respond with thoughtful feedback. Solutions and encouragement will be emphasized to help build confidence and expand writing skills. Taught by Sands Hall, the course is scheduled for Saturdays, April 12-May 17, 12:30-4:45 p.m.

Explore ways to help a story find its most effective structure, and investigate the way structure determines the story in the new course Structure: Beginnings and Endings. Fiction is not necessarily linear; this course helps participants evaluate traditional structure and determine when to move beyond it. Learn about building tension, creating momentum, compelling the reader to continue and leaving the reader satisfied, but wanting more at the end. The course is scheduled for Thursdays, May 1-22, 6:30-9 p.m.

To enroll, visit or email

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