Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 7 2009 - Editors Reveal How The Press Uses Social Media

PR pros looking to open up new channels to pitch journalists need to attend this all new audio conference from Bulldog Reporter's PR University titled: "Journalists Still a-Twitter about Social Media: Editors Reveal How the Press Uses Social Media to Generate Story Ideas and Buzz."

This exclusive PR University webinar takes place on Thursday, January 7, at 1PM EST (noon CST, 11AM MST; 10AM PST).

Featured Speakers:

Andrew Dean Nystrom, Senior Producer, Social Media & Digital Platforms,

Dan Patterson, Digital Audio Manager, Correspondent, ABC News

Maggie Reardon, Senior Writer, CNET News

Julio Ojeda-Zapata, Consumer Technology Reporter, St. Paul Pioneer Press (circ. 252,055); Author, "Twitter Means Business: How Microblogging Can Help or Hurt Your Company"

Laura Hertzfeld, managing Editor,; Contributor, NPR

In just 90 minutes, this exclusive PR University audio conference will show PR professionals how to master social media sites to gain the latest insights into what journalists are writing about and how they and their colleagues are using Twitter and other social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Here's what PR pros will take away from this event:

-- Top Twitter Targets: Which journalists are actively using Twitter, how
they're using the service -- and how PR pros can successfully interact with
them quickly and efficiently
-- Twitter Pitch Success Stories: How journalists and PR people have used
Twitter to generate story ideas and buzz
-- Media Outlets on Twitter: Which media outlets are consistently posting
links to their online news stories on Twitter
-- Using Facebook and LinkedIn: How journalists connect with sources and
promote coverage on leading online social networks -- plus how PR can build
relationships with journalists via these popular channels
-- Twitter Media Monitoring: How to find and contact journalists using
Twitter and other social media
-- How to track top hashtags and even story trends on Twitter tracking to
stay ahead of the news curve
-- First Steps: How to get started using Twitter and social media for media
relations and other essential PR initiatives
-- Essential Twitter Tools: Elements of using Twitter that will make PR pros
experience of Twitter more useful and valuable
-- Twitch Anatomy: Examples of Twitter pitches that have worked -- and how
to duplicate their successes in 140 characters or less
-- How Twitter and other social media are changing the online world:
Examples of stories and trends that happened exclusively as a result of
Twitter or other social media
-- Crisis Tips: The role Twitter, Facebook and other social media have
played in how PR people and the media communicate during a crisis
-- Twitter Trends and What's Next: Where social media is going in 2010 --
and why PR pros must be there if they want to stay on top of emerging PR

For more details go to conference home page.

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