Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Writing Class, Meant to Boost Writing Confidence, Begins In January

A new writing class called Jump Start Your Next Book will begin the week of January 6, 2010. The class is led by local author Stephanie Silberstein and will be available in both an online and in-person format.

Silberstein created the class in order to inspire writers’ self-confidence, learn to write quickly and easily, and develop their own writing style. “Many people believe they cannot write,” she said. “While not everybody can make a career out of writing, most people have a lot more talent than they realize.”

For this reason, Silberstein’s class is primarily writing-oriented, with an emphasis on creating new material. Participants write to a prompt as well as share excerpts from works in progress. Class members are encouraged to give positive feedback on each other’s work. The goal is to create a safe space for writers to experiment with a variety of styles and ideas. There will also be an online discussion board where writers can connect outside of class, get to know each other, get extra writing practice in, and ask for more specific feedback.

The course is 16 hours long and meets weekly for 8 weeks at a time. It is limited to 15 students and costs $160 for 8 weeks. There is also an online option, which costs $100 for 8 weeks.

Silberstein intends to inspire writers all over the globe via Jump Start Your Next Book. She sees the new class as an extension of the mission she began when she independently published her first novel in 2008. “As a Jew, I believe strongly in the ideal of repairing the world,” she said. “I want to help people be aware of how much talent they actually possess and raise their self-confidence as writers and as human beings.”

Interested people may call 919-639-3492 for more information or visit Each new student will receive a free notepad with an inspirational quote upon joining.

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