Sunday, August 10, 2008

August 19 2008 - Sell more books faster, cheaper and easier than you thought possible

Have you ever dreamed of having a bestselling book? Wondering how some people seem to reach thousands upon thousands of buyers while the majority of people struggle to sell a handful of books? Not sure of the most effective methods to get your readers to buy your books?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, join my featured expert, John Kremer as he teaches you how to sell more books than you thought possible. On Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 9 - 10 a.m. Pacific, John will share proven strategies that virtually anyone can use regardless of your budget, market or experience.

If you are into book marketing, self-publishing, selling your books, book publishing, book promotion, e-publishing, selling e-books, free publicity, print-on-demand, POD publishing, writing books, internet marketing, online book publishing, website promotions, writing novels, or promoting books - and you want some free information and resources to help you sell books — this is the session to attend. If you're tired of waiting for others to sell your book, you can take action to market your books without spending a lot of money or committing a lot of time. John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books will show you how.

John will be sharing special details about his upcoming live event in Houston, Texas. Ten Million Eyeballs is a hands-on, information packed on how to get millions of people to read about you and your books. Put September 20 – 21, 2008 on your calendar.

About John Kremer
John Kremer consults in the areas of book marketing, book sales, book promotion, publicity, direct marketing, pricing, book titles, book covers, book marketing plans, book proposals, rights sales, and general planning for book publishers of all sizes as well as for individual authors. While most of John’s consulting is done over the phone, he also provides on-site consulting services. Website:

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